Hair Fall: Your hair will become strong and thick, apply coconut milk with this method

Stop Hair Fall: The problem of hair fall is also seasonal and also due to many other reasons. Seasonal problem means that when the season changes, the hair fall increases. This happens due to the changes taking place in the body due to the changing temperature. Now the monsoon is about to come and the problem of stickiness in the hair is also going to increase. Because the hair is not able to dry completely due to moisture in the air, then its roots start weakening and hair fall increases.

Apply coconut milk on hair

By applying coconut milk to the hair, the hair gets full hydration but the stickiness does not increase at all. Coconut milk is rich in vitamin-E, potassium, protein and healthy fat. Therefore, this milk is helpful in making the hair thick, thick and long. The best part is that coconut milk is completely natural and the hair gets chemical free treatment as it does not contain any kind of adulteration.

How to make coconut milk

  • To apply in the hair, prepare coconut milk at home. For this, take a milky coconut (ripe coconut) and break it and separate its water. Do not throw coconut water. Rather you take it out in a bowl. It is also very nutritious for the hair.
  • Now cut the coconut into small pieces and grind it in a mixer. Mix 4 spoons of coconut water and 5 to 6 spoons of milk in the grated coconut and once again close the mixer and grind it. Your coconut milk is ready. Now apply this milk on the roots of the hair.

How to apply coconut milk on hair?

  • To apply coconut milk in hair, you can use henna brush, tooth brush.
  • Apply the milk well to the roots of the hair and the length of the hair. After this, wear a shower cap on the head for 20 to 25 minutes or wrap a towel on the head.
  • Then clean the hair by washing it with fresh water and after that wash the hair with shampoo.
  • By applying coconut milk to the hair once a week, you will not have the problem of stickiness in the rainy season and hair fall will also be less. Also the hair will become thick and thick.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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