What is computer | who invented computer | History of computer

Hello, friends here we will talk about what is computer | Who invented the computer and more related information about the computer. In a simple way, we understand “the computer is an electronic device”. These answers probably all of you already know so you must be wondering why today again why this topic is about which we know everything from beforehand. I have the motive that you should be given information about the entire computer.

I know that you know basic information about computers but do you know how it works, who created it earlier. In so many years, how many changes are seen in today’s computer? Today the result of the hard work of many scientists is behind the computer we are using. Today, you want to give people full information about this device by telling people about this article, what it’s the main part, and what is the computer | who invented the computer full form and how it works.

What is Computer?

What is a computer

A computer is a machine that edits the work according to some fixed instructions. A computer is an electronic device or machine that accepts information from the user and manipulates it on the basis of a program, software, or instruction sequence on how to process the data. An electronic device designed to work with information. The term computer is derived from the Latin term ‘computare’, It means Calculation or Programmable Machine.

It has three main functions: Input, Processing, and Output.

Input, Processing, Output
Input, Processing, Output

Input: The process of entering data and instructions into a computer is called input.

Processing: Processing is the actions that a processor takes when the data is received or Processing is a word that defines a software program’s process of manipulating or extracting information from a stored file.

Output: The result generated by a computer after data processing is called Output.

What is an input device?

The devices which are used to input the data and instructions/programs in the computer system are known as Input Devices. For example Mouse, Keyboard, Light Pen, joystick, Track Ball, etc…

What is an output device?

An output device reproduces or displays the information/results after data processing or An output device is used to send data out of the system. For example Monitor, Printer, Projector, Speaker, etc…

What is Computer Hardware?

A Physical part or physical elements of a computer that make up an entire computer or electronic system is called Computer Hardware. This includes the monitor, keyboard, mouse, motherboard, hard disk, CPU, SMPS, graphic card, etc…

What is Computer Software?

Software is a set of programs, which enables a computer system to perform a specific task.

There are two types of computer software.

1. System software

The system software is a collection of one or more programs designed to control and work with computer hardware.

Some examples of system software are Operating systems, compilers, Assemblers, Interpreters, Android, Antivirus, Linux, etc…

2. Application software

Application software is generally a program or collection of programs. Which is developed or designed to help the computer user to perform specific tasks is called application software.

Some examples of application software are Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Student Record Software, Inventory Management Software, and Income Tax Software, etc…

Also, read Definition of internet | A brief history of the internet.

What is the full form of computer?

There is no full form of computer Technically. Yet the computer has an imaginary full form:

COMPUTER: Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used for Technical and Educational Research

What are the characteristics of a computer?

The characteristics of a computer are as follow:

i) Speed

In general, no human being can compete faster than the computer to solve complex computation. A computer can process millions of instructions in seconds.

ii) Accuracy

A computer has a high level (100%) of accuracy. Since the computer is programmed, the result is accurate with whatever input we give it. Computers perform each calculation with the same accuracy.

iii) Diligence

A computer can perform complex tasks for hours without any break and mistakes/errors. It does not get tired.

iv) High storage capacity

A computer has a high storage capacity. A computer can store a very huge amount of data. We have many storage devices like CD, DVD USB, HDD, SDD, etc…

v) Versatility

The computer is versatile in nature. They are used in different areas. They are used for entertainment & work purposes in schools & colleges, hospitals, public organizations, and at home. It means the ability to perform different kinds of work completely.

vi) Reliability

The computer won’t be wrong. It can be remembered at any moment we offer incorrect input. Computers are highly reliable. The computers’ electronic parts usually break or fail.

Limitations of computer

  • A computer has zero IQ
  • A computer has no brain
  • Computer is costly
  • No Self-Intelligence
  • A computer cannot take own discussion
  • No Feeling/No Thinking and Decision Making Power
  • It cannot work without electricity
  • A computer completely depends on human
  • A computer has no creativity

Advantages of Computer

  • Connects you to the Internet
  • Get a better understanding of data
  • Save time
  • It makes file sharing easier
  • Searching knowledge and huge information from the internet
  • Can make you money online
  • Increase your productivity
  • Can help you learn and keep you informed
  • Keep you entertained
  • Playing an online game
  • Chats with friends and family through social media.
  • It is highly flexible.

Disadvantages of computer

  • Spread fake news
  • Human health Issues.
  • Spread of pornography content.
  • computer viruses, malware, and hacking attacks
  • Cyber Crimes through internet
  • Personal Data and Information violation
  • Negative effect on Environment
  • Crashed networks
  • illegal work
  • Online content Piracy
  • A computer cannot work on itself.
  • The spread of human violence, hatred
  • And More…

Who invented the computer

In 1822, British famous mathematician Charles Babbage built the steam-powered automatic mechanical calculator called “Difference Engine” or “Differential Engine”. Many such individuals have contributed to this area of computing. But Charles Babbage is more than all of these contributions. Because in 1837 he was the first to reach or built the Analytical Engine (First Mechanical Computer). Then he is known as the father of the computer.

History of computer

In the 19th century, famous mathematician Charles Babbage built the Analytical Engine(Mechanical Computer). The progress of computers is divided into five generations from the mid-1900s to the present. For a certain period of time, each generation lasted and each gave us either a fresh and enhanced computer or an improvement to the current computer.

First Generation (1940 to 1956)

First-generation computers were big in size that used vacuum tubes for circuitry and consumed a huge amount of electricity. First-generation used magnetic drums for limited internal storage.  Computers of this generation had performed only one task and they had no operating system. Examples of first-generation computers are IBM 650, Atanasoff Berry Computer, Electronic Discrete variable Computer, etc…

Second Generation (1956 to 1963)

Second-generation computers used the transistor for circuitry. Transistors use less power and generated less amount of heat than a vacuum tube. The second-generation computer used magnetic tape storage for increased data storage capacity. Examples of second-generation computers are IBM7090, IBM 7094, IBM 1400 and Universal Automatic Computer.

Third Generation (1964 to 1971)

Third generation computer used ICs (Integrated circuits). This is smaller, cheaper and faster than the previous generation. Third-generation computers used keyboards for input and monitors for output. Examples of Third generation computers are IBM 360 and IBM 370 series.

Fourth Generation (1972 to 2010)

Fourth-generation computers used both integrated circuits and microprocessors with very large scale integration (VLSI), RAM, ROM, and high-level programming language. The examples of fourth generation computers are IBM’s PC and Apple Macintosh.

Fifth Generation (AI)

Fifth-generation computers are based on Artificial Intelligence, use advanced chips and a very fast CPU processor. Fifth-generation computers solve the highly complex mathematical problem in a second, make decisions (like a human), and have the power of intelligence, use quantum computing and nanotechnology. The examples of fifth-generation computers are AI robotics etc…

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